Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Music Video Process

Followed the tutorial for the Juno opening sequence (as seen below in the blog). I really love the effect it has and I want to make it the primary style for my video. Im trying also to incorporate some collage animation of my own and its a bit challenging to make it blend with this stylization.

This is some experimenting with the collage animation idea. Definitely needs some more attention. I want to have the text of the lyrics to the song I choose over top of the images in a ransom note font. I might try to fuse the style of this one and the above video, or I'll stick with one style or the other. Let me know what you think.

And lastly, here is the song I was considering. Its very fast paced and energetic, which is how I want the animations to be. Im not committed to it quite yet, my song choice depends on the animation style, and vice versa. I'm definitely gearing toward something within this genre.


  1. I really like the collage style you're going for and I think it could be really fun. Maybe you should do it on a piece of the song. 30 sec to a minute because the length of that song may be too long for the scope of the project. Will it be you in the video or more or other people as well? I like the close up of you but may if there were other people or shots some could be full body and they're walking. Cool idea! Depending on which song you pick the ransom note style may or may not fit the context of the song. I'd think about the font once you pick the song.

  2. Totally love it! Do you have a story board? Love to see what the whole story is!

  3. When I see the types of sequence you're putting together it doesn't have a fast paced feel to it with the Juno style cutouts. It seems to have a bit of a slower pace at this point but that could be adjusted, or just my preconceived notion about the title sequence from the movie itself. Perhaps song choice could help.

  4. I think the video is alittle stark but gritty and goes well with the song choice, but making it abit more fluid perhaps with it being more fast paced with the animation or effects would be very beneficial I believe.

  5. Elizabeth,

    I see that you're enjoying this project, I love how experimental you get into all the project you’ve done.

    By far this one is pushing it higher. I like how you play with your foreground, middle ground and background. I’m intrigue by the movement of the background, since you have so much going on, the tree is very focus, maybe the graph paper is not the best choice, have you try just white blank background or some other color behind the tree? because the graph paper is competing with your wonderful sketches and face.

  6. Great song choice if you go with it :) I would recommend focusing on fractal techniques to get a little more grungey appearance out of your Juno sequence, perhaps one you could use throughout the video. I love the style, and can imagine seeing it with a dirtier flair.
